Core Team

Pratik Shelar

Founder, CEO

Graduated with MBA Marketing from Coventry University and has 10 years of extensive experience in the entertainment business. Working in various areas such as film production, writing, acting, distribution, ticketing. He conceived the idea behind GoViddo and is its founder.

Rob Moss


MBA, business coach, marketing professional and chartered manager with 35 years of extensive experience in developing start-ups, University commercialisation programmes, international innovation networks and management consultancy for SMEs. Responsible for providing strategic advice to the Board.

Sidhant Khinvasara

Finance Executive

Sidhant is a Finance Executive with GoViddo. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and is a Chartered Accountant having qualified in India. He has a second qualification from The London School of Economics in “Open Innovation."

Sandeep Dighe

Head of Brand & Communication

Sandeep is a strategy consultant with extensive international experience through working with some of the biggest brands across multiple sectors. He has worked with such brands as Sky, Australia Post, KPMG, National Australia Bank, Indian Super League, Star TV, Petronas and Macquarie Group.

Imran Mulani


Technology architect of 100+ web & mobile (native / hybrid), blockchain.

Kenneth Choy

Legal Advisor.

Kenneth Choy is a consultant and head of Technology Transactions practice of the Hong Kong office of an international law firm. His practice spanning more than 30 years in the U.S. and Asia has evolved into a combination of traditional IP, technology, transactional and emerging company practices.

Core Team

Pratik Shelar

Founder, CEO

Graduated with MBA Marketing from Coventry University and has 10 years of extensive experience in the entertainment business. Working in various areas such as film production, writing, acting, distribution, ticketing. He conceived the idea behind GoViddo and is its founder.

Sidhant Khinvasara

Finance Executive

Sidhant is a Finance Executive with GoViddo. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce and is a Chartered Accountant having qualified in India. He has a second qualification from The London School of Economics in “Open Innovation."

Sandeep Dighe

Head of Brand & Communication

Sandeep is a strategy consultant with extensive international experience through working with some of the biggest brands across multiple sectors. He has worked with such brands as Sky, Australia Post, KPMG, National Australia Bank, Indian Super League, Star TV, Petronas and Macquarie Group.

Imran Mulani


Technology architect of 100+ web & mobile (native / hybrid), blockchain.

The Think Tank

Rob Moss

Bussiness Strategy & Finance

MBA, business coach, marketing professional and chartered manager with 35 years of extensive experience in developing start-ups, University commercialisation programmes, international innovation networks and management consultancy for SMEs. Responsible for providing strategic advice to the Board.

John Marsden

Founder Director Innvotec VC Fund

John Marsden qualified as a Chartered Accountant. He has spent 35 years in early-stage venture capital, of which over 30 years have been in fund management. His involvement in venture capital started as a director of a venture backed media-Technology business

Simon Gadir

Co-founder of Quanto, Business. Film Distribution & communication expert.

Dr Gadir is a marketing and communications expert with extensive experience in market research and corporate development in the finance and media industries. He has worked for exhibition and distribution giant Village Roadshow, and as a pioneer of the Australian pay television industry he was the driving force behind the successful bids for Australia’s first satellite television licenses.

Kenneth Choy

Legal Advisor.

Kenneth Choy is a consultant and head of Technology Transactions practice of the Hong Kong office of an international law firm. His practice spanning more than 30 years in the U.S. and Asia has evolved into a combination of traditional IP, technology, transactional and emerging company practices.

Technology Team

Wasim Pathan

Project Manager

Pratish Shelar

UX - UI Designer